Friday, March 14, 2008

8-5, no time!

Got myself a real job. I have to say, it was initially very difficult adjusting to the 8am-5pm routine. At my other "work", I would come to office at 11am, check my emails and then go for lunch. I would usually do some work till 6pm. Did i mention that I have a dart-board in there aswell? Haha

Anyways, I am enjoying myself here now. Now I actually eat the food I bring from home, go to sleep early and wake up early! Looks like growing up and moving on was for the better.

Oh and before I go, does anyone know what I can do with my car tyres? They are low profile ones and whenever I come across a BIG pothole at speed, the tyre swells up at that point. What can I do?

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