Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Great Local Websites and Writers

Promotion of local websites take the back-seat in local media, probably because the companies having websites have very little to offer online (apart from the rare product price). Here is my interim list of local websites that need mentioning for one reason or the other:

Excellent Websites
The Fiji Times
Fiji Live
(Free registration required)
Fiji Village
(Subscription based) however radio streams are free!
FM 96 | Navtarang | Viti | Sargam | Legend
ANZ Fiji - Online banking services!!
USP Fiji - SOLS - Its a nice ecosystem of student services! Very user oriented! Students can check grades, print transcripts, register/drop units and many more usually time consuming (now an ease) services!
Air Fiji - Book your flights!

Mediocre Websites
Courts Homecentres - I dont like Courts because they dont cater for locals! How many of use have credit cards! They should introduce a purchasing scheme suitable to majority of locals (ATM cards , kerekere, etc).
White Pages | Yellow Pages - Search features leave a lot to be desired.
Vodafone Fiji - Static content on their pages! They only make it here because of their vmail gateway.
Fiji TV - They have the content but they have such a Web 1.0 look. Wonder who designed their website? Definitely not Oceanic coz those guys have style!
Telecom Fiji - Looks ok, just that they do not offer ANY services online, like checking your bills, configuring your telephone services, etc etc.

Fiji Sun - Arrrrgh! They use html! Sorry guys but you have very high standards set by your rival, so naturally we expect the same from you!
Bondwell - Its dead.

Yes, yes, I know there are many more local websites, buts abiddidy abididdidy Thats all Folks!


Anonymous said...

Good thing google did your site lol. Where is your work buddy- especially the "non static stuff"

Anonymous said...

Do you even know what web 2.0 is? Period. Have you ever designed a web 2.0 site? Have you ever written your own CSS? Judging from the lack of originality and insight on your blog site (which btw is web 2.0, did you even know that?), you seem to be lost in all your effort to use other people's work and put meaningless comments on it. Typical of an amatuer blogger! What is web 2.0 again?

Aman Singh said...

Ouch! That seems so personal to you that you didn't even see that nowhere in the article I mentioned web2.0!

No, I dont do drugs, but by the looks of it you need some buddy, relax mate! But thanks for your comments, I appreciate any criticism.

Peace Out