Monday, April 30, 2007

The dreaded TRN!

I don't know if you might have noticed, but the acronym TRN is all over the FijiTimes [link] website (update: on Sunday). It seems most over TRN replaces Fiji.

Did Fiji change its name and not tell me? Is it a conspiracy? What do you think?

1 comment:

Aman Singh said...

Ok I sent an email to Fiji Times and apparently it was an error on their part. Heres our correspondence:

Me to Fijitimes:
Hi, I was going over your website. Forgive me for my ignorance, but what does TRN stand for? It seems to be replacing FIJI all over your website. Thanks.

Fijitimes to me
Our apologies, human error in the preparation of the web site upload files saw many instances of 'Fiji' replaced with 'TRN' (which is the publication code for the Sunday Times).
The error has been corrected.
The Web Team
Fiji Times Online

Oh well, mystery solved!