Friday, June 8, 2007

Performance by USP students

A friend and I heard about this tribute some USP students were holding, for the community of Korova.

The community of Korova, in Fiji, with the assistance of the University of the South Pacific produced a unique performance based art in and by the sea using songs, poetry and dances to relay their stories of survival [1].

[1] USP website story, last accessed on June 08, 2007. [Link]

I was sort of expecting a NZ "haka" type performance, which would have looked awesome with the splashing of water from the rising tide, but rather this was a subdued performance which was more abstract than entertaining.

Anyways, any comments on this photo:


Anonymous said...

Re: comment on photo- You have a small ball?

Anonymous said...

Yep.... any bigger then I'd have filariasis!