Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Ouch... Accident

Tadra Kahani was nice wasn't it?
Personally I think the primary school dances were much better organised, prepared and theme-oriented (again), although I question the winner of that division.

Anyways, the secondary school guys/gals weren't bad either. Infact I hadn't realised that they could have displayed this level of creativity and art. While some schools lost the plot, other's seemed to rise above the rest. Monfort boys pulled it off again, although it was dreadfully similar to their last year's performance. International school lost the plot (again). But one suspects that they are not here to win prizes. Looking at the way they dance and move around, there is a sense of "fun" in their items. These guys want to have a good time whether they win prizes or not. This means, you are not always in tune with what the judges want, but rather be in-sync with the jolly dancer within.

Over-all, this years performance was a tad bit "yawwn" as opposed to last years. It could be that I am growing older :)

Well, my evening ended on a much sober and disappointing note when one "hero-hindustani" plowed his car into mine. There was a horrible feeling associated with that accident. It was my new car, just a couple of months old! I feel so sorry for the car! Yea, insurance will fix it, but the scar is not on the body of the car alone....

Thursday, September 6, 2007

A Miracle?

You can read funny things in papers now a days. I just came across this article which was absolutely hilarious. Titles "The Slugs from Heaven", its of how a slug mysteriously appeared just before the Methodist Conference (no, this has nothing to do with my preivous post!). Here are some excerpts:

"TUI Macuata Ratu Aisea Katonivere has described as a God-send the appearance of a mystery sea slug three weeks before the annual Methodist Church conference."

"Ratu Aisea said the sea slug which appeared in the marine protected area of the Macuata coast was a miracle because it raked in much-needed cash for the hosts of the meeting."

A slug raking in cash?? Here is where my spidey senses started tingling.

"He said a Chinese man appeared and "bought it from us as it was a Chinese delicacy" and money from it filled their coffers as they waited for government funds to help them prepare for the meeting."

God sent you a slug and you sold it? To be eaten? Hahahahahahha!

"Our people have been saying the slug was a God-send," he said."

And tasty too!

Check out the article here:

Slugs from Heaven